Code of Conduct

Code of conduct


Safer Society Group’s corporate culture is shaped by our mission to create a safer and better society together and we are proud to share the knowledge that we have gained through years of working together with law enforcement, NGOs, technology companies and research institutes. We work in a long-term and responsible manner in areas where we can contribute to a safer and better society. Safer Society Group supports the United Nations Global Compact Initiative which contains principles based on international conventions of human rights, labour law, prevention of child labour, environment and anti-corruption. We also support and adopt the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition’s Code of Conduct. Safer Society Group’s Code of Conduct describes what this means in practice in relation to various parties and constitutes the basis for internal rules, procedures and decisions in Safer Society Group and its subsidiaries NetClean, Griffeye and Paliscope.

Fundamental principles

We respect applicable laws, regulations, codes and industry standards in each country we have a presence. We conduct our business and activities ethically and accountably, and do so with honesty, integrity and in line with our core values. We manage our financial performance to maximise long-term value for all with a stake and interest in the company.


We shall deliver on our undertakings and strive to achieve positive social impacts in line with our core values. Our sales compliance process shall ensure that our products are purchased and used for intended purpose. For more information, see Safer Society Group’s Quality Policy. We shall not participate in, nor endorse any corrupt practices, including extortion and bribery or in business where we risk being used for money laundering or terrorist financing. Representatives of the Safer Society Group shall not, directly or indirectly, offer or give any undue payment or other consideration in violation of applicable laws, to obtain or retain business or gain any other improper advantage.


Our team is made up of the brightest and most dedicated people. We are constantly looking for talented and committed people with leadership qualities, innovative thinking and analytical skills to join our team. We support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights and make sure we do not violate human rights in any way.

  • We respect the right of all employees to join an association to represent their interests as employees, to organise and to bargain collectively.
  • We do not engage in or support forced or involuntary labour.
  • We do not tolerate child labour and shall not employ any person under the age of 15.
  • We do not tolerate any discrimination or harassment. All employees shall enjoy equal opportunities based on skills, knowledge and abilities, regardless of race, colour, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, ethnicity or national origin, disability, pregnancy, religion, political affiliation, union membership, marital status.
  • We offer employment terms adapted to countries where we operate and we will always pay more than regulatory minimum wage in the countries where such exists. All our employees have valid employment contracts.
  • We work preventively and systematically to ensure a safe and secure work environment in accordance with our core values and applicable legislation in force. We regularly conduct risk assessments that are monitored through action plans, and our employees are encouraged to participate by submitting their improvement proposals.
  • In order to remain an attractive workplace, we work actively with competence development and career planning.
  • Our employees shall avoid all suspicion of, and if possible foresee and prevent situations for risk of, conflicts of interests. Business, or any other corporate related operation, may not be concluded, if the spouse, registered partner or family member or relative is in a position where she/he may benefit from it significantly in financial terms.

Suppliers and other business partners

We only cooperate with suppliers and other business partners that conduct their business in a responsible manner and not act in a way that violates the core values/principles in Safer Society Group’s Code of Conduct. This is ensured through risk-based supplier evaluations, supplier monitoring and measures taken based on assessed risk value such as commitment in written contracts to observe Safer Society Group’s Code of Conduct and/or Safer Society Group’s right to carry out audits.

None of our employees may receive gifts, services or other remuneration from suppliers other than what is deemed to fall within the framework of good professional practice and provided that they comply with the law in the countries in which we operate.

Society, communication and information security

We develop technology companies that each will strive to create a better and safer society through tackling different societal problems through technology. Our understanding of the problem of child sexual abuse material has been gained through years of working together with law enforcement, NGOs, technology companies and research institutes. We also work to share our knowledge. In an ideal world, everyone within the community should feel safe.

We do not act contrary to applicable competition laws.

We report all financial transactions in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices and our accounting records show the nature of all transactions in a correct and non-misleading manner.

Financial information and other external information shall always be correct and follow the ethical rules for communication, marketing and advertising applicable to the markets on which we operate. Publication in our public communications channels as well as formal statements in the press and media may only be made by designated persons.

We work actively with information security to ensure that we comply with legal requirements and meet our own and our stakeholders’ requirements for confidentiality, integrity and availability.


We strive to work for a better environment by continuously evaluating what we do based on our environmental impact and commit ourselves to continually improve our environmental work. For more information, see Safer Society Group Environmental policy.

  • We apply the precautionary principle to avoid materials and methods that involve environmental and health risks when appropriate alternatives are available. We strive to design our products and services so that less raw material is required and, if possible, use recyclable materials and recycled materials.
  • In the case of regular and/or significant purchases, we consider the environmental impact both through supplier selection and consideration of the environmental impact of individual products and services.
  • We strive to reduce the amount of waste and recycle the resulting waste in an environmentally sound manner.
  • We work to reduce energy consumption as well as to ensure that the energy used is eco-labeled.
  • As we travel, our transport choices are considered and more environmentally friendly alternatives promoted and, when possible, we encourage using digital alternatives such as video conferencing to replace travel.

Compliance, monitoring and reporting

All employees should be familiar with and observe Safer Society Group’s Code of Conduct. In applicable parts, it also applies to suppliers and other business partners. It is the responsibility of each executive to ensure its staff’s compliance with the Code of Conduct in daily operations.

Each employee has a personal responsibility for her/his ethical standpoints, but as an employee representing Safer Society Group, the Code of Conduct should be the guiding principle.

All employees are obliged to report breaches of the Code of Conduct to her/his closest superior, to other executives, to the HR-function whoever is best suited or through Safer Society Group’s Whistleblower function in which confidentiality is guaranteed for the person reporting. The number of reported breaches is measured annually.

Actions in breach of Safer Society Group’s Code of Conduct will immediately be attended to and may lead to disciplinary measures being taken